>>Invitation to shareholders to an ordinary general meeting

Invitation to shareholders to an ordinary general meeting

To the shareholders of the company “AFTOKINITODROMOS KENTRIKIS ELLADAS CONCESSIONAIRE S.A.” with Companies Reg. No.: 63334/14/B/07/06

In accordance with the law and the company’s Articles of Association and by means of the Board of Directors’ decision dated 26/03/2015, the company’s Shareholders are invited to an Ordinary General Meeting to be held in June 16th 2015, Tuesday at 12:00 at Company’s Headquarters located in Lamia at the 1st km of the National Road Lamia-Athens, in order to discuss and decide upon the following items of the agenda:

  • Approval of annual financial statements for the 8th accounting period from 01.01.2014 to 31.12.2014 and the Board of Directors Report.
  • Release the members of the Board of Directors and auditors from any compensation responsibility for the 8th accounting period (01.01.2014– 31.12.2014).
  • Election of auditors for the 9th accounting period (01.01.2015 -31.12.2014).
  • Approval of acts and decisions of the Board of Directors during the 8th accounting period (01.01.2014-31.12.2014).
  • Approval of contracts of article 23a par. 2 of the Codified Law 2190/1920.
  • Various issues and announcements

In accordance with the law and the Articles of Association of the company, all shareholders may attend the meeting, either in person or via a representative, and the Greek State as well.

Company shareholders who wish to attend the Ordinary General Meeting must deposit all their shares to the company’s cashier or to the ‘Deposit and Loan Fund’ or to any recognized bank in Greece at least five (5) clear days before the date set for the Ordinary General Meeting.

The supporting documents for the stocks deposit as well as any power of attorneys should be submitted to the company’s cashier at least five (5) clear days before the date of the meeting.